The digital soft starters features sophisticated technology as they incorporate the following characteristics:
- Color touch screen with detailed description, event logging and graphics.
- Automatic initialization of parameters with predefined settings that correspond to the type of application
- Checking the voltage in all three phases via a port controller, automatically,defining its characteristics of load and technology that reduces energy losses
- Built-in bupass relay
- Ability to store/import a set of parameter and logs through the built-in USB or its USB port "STARTVIEW" programming software
- Thermometer input, 3 digitals inputs, 4 relay outputs,, 1 analog input and 1 analog output
- Built-in MODBUS RTU port, overcurrent protection, removable fans for easy replacement, cable connection D6
- Power:400KW
- Amperage:722A
- Dimension (mm):490X678X282
- Type:SGY-403-4-03
- Package:1